No.4 The Crescent
No 4 the Crescent, Limerick, is a four storey over basement, Georgian style building dating from the early 19th century with a very impressive main façade.
It forms part of The Crescent, on of the more unusual urban spaces in the country. The interior of the structure is quite simple but, despite extensive 20th century modifications, retains some period character.
The structure is included on the Record of Protected Structures and it forms part of the Limerick Conservation Area as defined in the Limerick City Development Plan. It has received a regional rating from the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. The structure is included on O.S. Map 473-08.
The structure was originally a large single-family dwelling which, despite extensive 20th century development and modification, retains some period character. While its interior does not match the architectural quality of some of the finer Georgian dwellings of the time (developments at Pery Square, for example), it has a very fine principal elevation and forms part of The Crescent, on of the more unusual urban spaces in the country. Furthermore, it forms part of the larger Newtown Perry development which was completed by Edmund Sexton Pery in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and which was, in itself, on the of the most important exercises in urban planning and development in this country.
Project duration : 2005 – 2007